

We are Christine and Jeremiah. Young couple. Married for seven roller coaster years to date. Christine is a travel and lifestyle blogger, a  writer by passion, a sole writer for this blog while Jeremiah is a Mechanical Engineer by  profession, math guru, tech support for Tin and Jerry published articles. Moving on. We are high school enemies turns friends then eventually fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. What a fairytale!

Now, residing in a foreign land surrounded by the Persian Gulf in a male-dominated Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, away from our own biological families. Struggling to find the meaning of life through sharing, helping and the lists of all the -ings goes on.

We believed that “A journey to a thousand miles begins with one step”. Our favorite quote from a Chinese philosopher Lao that is often attributed to our married life because in this world full of bitterness and divorce, Tin & Jerry is taking single steps everyday, together on our journey to forever. Likewise, it does not happen overnight. You have to live and cope every single day. Hence not easy but with determination, respect, exceptional trust, understanding and love, we can make  this world a better place to live.

This blog is for everyone. Single. Married. Soon to get married. Divorced. Bachelors. Searching. Young. Old. Still waiting. Or whatever you want to call yourselves, yes, this is for you.  Let us all believe that there is indeed a journey to forever without setting foot away from realities that life is not a bed of roses, of course. That is an irony of life which makes it more interesting, fun and worth-living.  We may encounter obstacles and hardships but stand still, you have Tin & Jerry and this is for you.